SGM at the service of its customers, to chooce the most suitable machinery for production needs.
The customer is guided:
- Before the purchase, through the execution of free smudging tests on their own productions;
- During the acquisition of the technology, through training on the use and maintenance of the machinery;
- After the purchase, through consultancy, 24-hour technical assistance and transfer of processing know-how.
SGM offers a FREE consultancy service, to evaluate the applicability of Thermal Deburring according to the quality standards required by customers.
All deburring tests are carried out free of charge, in order to demonstrate the applicability of the deburring to the production specifications of each individual customer.
The treatment is always possible and effective on all oxidizable materials that have burrs with a thickness of less than 0.1mm in the case of light alloys (aluminum, copper, zamak ...) and less than 0.3mm in the case of steel, cast iron and ferrous alloys.
The samples during the testing phase can also be deoxidized, in order to obtain a simulation of the effects of a complete cycle with Deburring and Deoxidation performed with SGM exclusive technology.
The innovative solutions adopted by the New-Tem machinery such as:
• delivery in a single assembled block,
• ease of connection to external networks,
• remote diagnostics connection
made it possible to minimize interventions at the customer's by specialized personnel always available if necessary.
Customer support guaranteed 7 days a week, 24 hours a day